Call for Papers - Tutorials

Proposals for tutorials

Proposals for quarter day, half a day and full day tutorials are welcome. The organizers will decide the exact dates after all proposals have been reviewed.


The proposals should include the following information:

  • Name and affiliation of the main proposer/organizer (including postal address, phone number, and e-mail address)

  • Name and affiliation of each additional instructor

  • Title

  • Objective, abstract, and duration of the tutorial

  • Outline with approximate timings

  • Target audience: Assumptions about the background of the attendees. Explain why the topic would be of interest for the software reliability community

  • Takeaways: What will the students/attendees learn, and what are the benefits to their job?

  • Track Record: Instructor(s) brief biography, experience, with an emphasis on the appropriateness to present the tutorial.

  • History of the tutorial (if it has been already presented; provide location, approximate attendance, etc.)

Topics of Interest

Click here for topics of interest

Instructors of full-day and half-day tutorials will benefit from a free registration to ISSRE

It is planned to offer one free registration for a half-day tutorial and two free registrations for a full-day tutorial.

Formatting guidelines

The only acceptable format for submission is PDF.

The maximum length of a tutorial proposal is 2 pages.

Important dates

Click here for important dates

Submission guidelines

Submit the tutorial proposals via e-mail to the Tutorial Chair:

Nikolai Kosmatov

E-mail: nikolai (dot) kosmatov (@) cea (dot) fr